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The black shirt with a twist
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A new must have from ALISIA ENCO
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for creative women in business Tag

19 Jul

Ce culori te pun în cea mai bună dispoziție?

Culoarea este un instrument puternic de comunicare și una dintre modalitățile prin care ne identificăm. Culoarea hainelor noastre servește drept semnal pentru ceilalți, le spune cine suntem. Când ne îmbrăcăm în fiecare dimineață, ne spunem cine ne propunem să fim și cum sperăm să ne simțim, având culoarea ca componentă vitală. Semnificația culorii poate varia foarte mult de la o cultură la alta. În India, roșul este cea mai tradițională culoare pentru mirese, deoarece reprezintă prosperitatea și puritatea, precum și pasiunea și puterea. În multe țări occidentale, negrul este purtat pentru doliu, deși în unele culturi din Asia de Est, albul este preferat pentru înmormântări, deoarece este o semnătură a sărbătoririi vieții. Nuanțele de verde și albastru (denumite adesea culori „reci”) pot...
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1 Mar

ALISIA ENCO te insoteste in toate zborurile TAROM

Am observat mereu la evenimentele de networking aceleasi camasi care nu ieseau din tipare si nu indrazneau nimic in afara unui teritoriu sigur, validat, mai ales in domenii sobre vestimentar precum banking, asigurari, audit, consultanta…Aici mi-a venit ideea ca as putea propune reinventarea camasii de business intr-o cheie noua, cu expresivitate si curaj“ motiveaza Alice Botnarenco decizia de a porni in poate, cea mai draga aventura profesionala a sa. Ne bucuram sa impartasim cu voi vestea ca de luna aceasta, povestea ALISIA ENCO te insoteste in toate zborurile TAROM in revista Insight. Asadar, daca te afli la mii de metri altitudine, ia o pauza de la agitatia cotidiana, citeste interviul, apoi priveste pe geam si imagineaza-ti cum arata...
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7 Feb

The black shirt with a twist

The Traditionale collection was created from our desire to continue to transform and reinvent the classic business wardrobe, but in a subtle and elegant way, similarly to the Romanian traditional motifs that enrich this new black shirt. We’ve brought together two worlds so we can enjoy both the rigor of a business shirt and the grace of an embroidery inspired by the Romanian folk art, a refined detail that manages to inspire and distinguish us. We’ve always aimed to offer you the possibility to make bold choices even when you think that the strict demands of the business attire doesn’t give you the liberty to do this, and the Traditionale collection comes as further proof that authenticity and...
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29 Oct

Autentica by Ana-Maria Branza, un proiect autentic romanesc

Autentica- Avem grijă de valorile noastre” promovează piese vestimentare, încălțăminte și accesorii semnate de designeri români cu motive românești, care pot fi considerate încadrabile în moștenirea culturală, folclorică, artistică a României. Această campanie urmărește să scoată în evidență valori românești autentice, respectate, să deschidă o nouă poartă de expunere publică la confluența culturii, sportului și artei vestimentare. De asemenea se va constitui într-un efort de educare a publicului în a recepta și admira creații originale, contemporane, în a include în garderoba personală și a le valorifica, atât în stilul cotidian, cât și cu diferite ocazii speciale. „Mi-am dorit, pentru Anul Centenarului, un proiect personal, de suflet și ambițios- pentru că așa am învățat eu că se fac lucrurile bune...
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3 Oct

Illustrations of the elegance inspired by nature

Flowers are the illustrations of beauty and grace, pieces of nature that we bring into our lives to brighten and color it. When we combine something so sweet and feminine with the rigors of the business world, we create a new kind a shirt, one that brings the best of both worlds into our wardrobe. The ALISIA ENCO Flowers for Her shirts are pieces that creatively match straight cuts, exquisite fabrics and compact colors with a spark of colorful, floral patterns that completely change the vibe of an outfit with a livelier, a more joyous one. Playful in their simplicity, the shirts are made to suit every type of personality and context, ranging from soft red to beautiful...
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11 Sep

Shopping in Cluj

Cluj-Napoca, located in the central part of Transylvania is the fourth most populous city in Romania. Cluj-Napoca is also an important regional commercial centre, with many street malls, hidden shops, artisan's market near Museum's Square and exquisite concept stores. If your stay in Cluj-Napoca is a long one we would like to invite you to discover Artigiana House, a beautiful mansion located on Nicolae Iorga Street, no. 28. You will discover many Romanian brands and creative designers as well as our spectacular shirts ALISIA ENCO. ALISIA ENCO brand was founded by the serial entrepreneur Alice Botnarenco, with the desire to offer to women creative alternatives for business outfits with a specific focus on shirts, under the “business with a twist” philosophy. Shopping in Cluj...
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13 Jul

A new must have from ALISIA ENCO

t he already famous Romanian motifs on the Traditionale shirts come now under the shape of beautifully crafted accessories. ALISIA ENCO launches, in limited edition, a spectacular collection of statement pieces, inspired from the Romanian values around the Centenary anniversary: a combination of contraries - simplicity and innovation power, minimalist and creativity, delicacy and feminine power altogether. The motifs on the famous “Traditional” shirt collection are now crafted in wood and organic glass, accompanied by a patented closing system with magnets. The creative popular motifs May Flower, Hora Girl and Shamrock are now design objects themselves, timeless must haves, manufactured with delicacy and imagination. The beauty of the collection resides in the contradictions it encapsulates: the delicate glow of the natural...
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13 Jul

Silky Macarons from ALISIA ENCO

a new… delicious shirt collection for delightful business meetings The Romanian fashion brand ALISIA ENCO launched a new collection of women shirts, tailored 100% from natural silk and inspired from one of the most famous desserts in the world. The new collection is irresistible to any woman who likes to indulge, from time to time. The beauty of it is that wearing a vaporous and fluid texture is not a one-time treat but an everyday piece de resistance in business meetings and presentations. With delicate and feminine colors, the shirts are easy to pair with other business clothes in a refined and confortable attire. Petale de Rose and Cote d’Azur are two flavors with… attitude for businesswomen who know...
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1 May

Inspired by the French tradition. La Fete du Muguet

women shirts
Inspired by the beauty of France and the French tradition, La Fete du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day), to offer a sprig of lily of the valley on this special day, 1st of May, to the one you love, we have created our beautiful collection of shirts for women, Muguet collection. In the language of flowers, lily of the valley has great meanings just like a lovely girl. This flowers symbolise happiness and purity, but also is the symbol of spring and good luck. All started on the first of May in 1561 when France’s King Charles IX was given a muguet flower, as a lucky charm and liked it so much that he decided to offer them each year...
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11 Apr

ALISIA ENCO collars for creative women in business

Launched in late 2014 as a challenge to traditional business outfits for women, the ALISIA ENCO brand continues to stimulate creativity through new collections of accessories. Built around an icon element, the shirt, the ALISIA ENCO brand comes with an invitation to women – to not accept stereotypes and dull outfits, to not hinder their personality and to dare to express themselves freely through the clothes and accessories they choose. All these, synthesized as a manifesto for creativity in business, reflect the vision of the brand founder, entrepreneur Alice Botnarenco, regarding women's business attire. The ALISIA ENCO accessories merge contrasting elements to create something completely new – feminine and masculine, traditional and avant-garde, familiar and extravagant, all in a...
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