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Category: Business wardrobe

3 Dec

Pulovere din lână de cea mai bună calitate

Cele mai fine haine din merino sunt făcute din lână de cea mai bună calitate. Avantajul delicateței merinosului e faptul că e atât de fină încât poate fi purtată direct pe piele. Pulover bordo Trifoi https://www.alisiaenco.ro/imbracaminte-2/colectia-de-pulovere-brodate-cu-motive-traditionale-romanesti/pulover-bordo-trifoi Colectia de pulovere brodate ALISIA ENCO este realizata in Romania si reprezinta o continuare a motivelor traditionale romanesti lansate o data cu colectia de camasi Traditionale. Pulover alb Hora Fetelor https://www.alisiaenco.ro/imbracaminte-2/colectia-de-pulovere-brodate-cu-motive-traditionale-romanesti/pulover-alb-hora-fetelor Pulover bleumarin Floare de Mai https://www.alisiaenco.ro/imbracaminte-2/colectia-de-pulovere-brodate-cu-motive-traditionale-romanesti/pulover-bleumarin-floare-de-mai Pulover bej Grandeur https://www.alisiaenco.ro/imbracaminte-2/colectia-de-pulovere-brodate-cu-motive-traditionale-romanesti/pulover-bej-grandeur Acestea sunt realizate din 100% lana de oaie extrafina, sunt brodate cu motive traditionale romanesti, se inchid la spate intr-o serie de nasturi oferind lejeritate puloverelor. Sunt disponibile cu guler in V, in patru culori: bordo, bleumarin, alb si bej. Descopera intreaga colectie aici: https://www.alisiaenco.ro/imbracaminte-2/colectia-de-pulovere-brodate-cu-motive-traditionale-romanesti ...
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25 Sep

Love what you do, or give up!

As you know, I’ve been an entrepreneur for 14 years already. I started my ALISIA ENCO journey in 2014 as a challenge to traditional business outfits for women. Built around an iconic element, the shirt, the ALISIA ENCO brand is an invitation and inspiration to women. My message to the ladies is short and clear: don’t accept stereotypes and dull outfits, don’t hide your true personality even in the most conformist of environments and dare to express your need for colors, textures, crafting and amazing fabrics. Your choices are who you are. And clothes are no exception. Shortly put, it’s about freedom, self-expression and new perspectives. This is what life is made of. I learned on my own that to succeed in life you need to embrace everything with style, attitude, good...
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20 May

Camasa si cravata pentru barbati by ALISIA ENCO

-Cadourile pe care el le va aprecia in fiecare zi- Scurta istorie a camasilor pentru barbati Stiai ca aceste piese vestimentare pentru barbati nu au aratat dintotdeauna asa cum le vedem astazi? Inainte de secolul XVIII, camasile pentru barbati erau considerate parte a lenjeriei intime si nu aveau nasturi, ci se imbracau precum un pulover. Doar gulerul camasii era vizibil, iar astazi este in continuare considerat, in unele grupuri sociale, ca este nepotrivit sa ramai doar in camasa cand este o doamna in incapere. Mai mult decat atat, nu este considerat elegant ca un barbat sa participe la o ceremonie doar in camasa. Prima camasa pentru barbati, asa cum o stim noi, a aparut in 1871 si a fost realizata de catre Brown, Davis & Co. of Aldermanbur. Aceasta a fost prima camasa cu nasturi,...
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2 May

Frumusetea cusaturilor populare romanesti

Detalii traditionale pentru tinute creative Costumele populare romanesti uimesc prin complexitatea si frumusetea detaliilor traditionale, dar si prin croiul deosebit. Acestea au inspirat de-a lungul timpului o multime de colectii ale marilor case de moda internationale, dar si designeri autohtoni. Totusi, cele mai pretioase piese vestimentare raman cele care sunt brodate cu mare accent pe detalii, deoarece aceasta tehnica nu este doar putin accesibila in zilele noastre, ci necesita si o pregatire anterioara. De aceea, broderiile de inspiratie traditionala care fac deliciul pieselor vestimentare ALISIA ENCO pastreaza din complexitatea porturilor populare lucrate manual si adauga un strop de influenta moderna prin minimalism. Rezultatul este proportia ideala intre subtil si remarcabil, oferind pieselor vestimentare (camasi, mansete, gulere etc.) stilul elegant si minimalist al tinutelor office, dar si elemente grafice incarcate de cultura si insemnatate. Mai...
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19 Jul

Une collection spectaculaire de broches

Un nouveau must-have, un manifeste de créativité dédié à la Roumanie: dans l’année du Centenaire ALISIA ENCO lance une collection unique d’accessoires pour chemises aux . ALISIA ENCO lance, en édition limitée, une collection spectaculaire de broches déclaration pour chemises, dédiées à l’anniversaire du Centenaire de la Roumanie. Une collection inspirée de ce que la Roumanie lui inspire, à son tour, à la créatrice – un mélange spectaculaire de contraires : simplicité et pouvoir d’innovation, minimalisme et créativité, délicatesse et force.  Les motifs roumains qui ont défini la collection Traditionnelles sont maintenant réinterprétées sous la forme des broches déclaration travaillées en bois et en verre organique, aux cristaux naturels ayant un système de clôture aux aimants. Les déjà célèbres motifs de la...
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13 Jul

A new must have from ALISIA ENCO

t he already famous Romanian motifs on the Traditionale shirts come now under the shape of beautifully crafted accessories. ALISIA ENCO launches, in limited edition, a spectacular collection of statement pieces, inspired from the Romanian values around the Centenary anniversary: a combination of contraries - simplicity and innovation power, minimalist and creativity, delicacy and feminine power altogether. The motifs on the famous “Traditional” shirt collection are now crafted in wood and organic glass, accompanied by a patented closing system with magnets. The creative popular motifs May Flower, Hora Girl and Shamrock are now design objects themselves, timeless must haves, manufactured with delicacy and imagination. The beauty of the collection resides in the contradictions it encapsulates: the delicate glow of the natural...
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11 Apr

ALISIA ENCO collars for creative women in business

Launched in late 2014 as a challenge to traditional business outfits for women, the ALISIA ENCO brand continues to stimulate creativity through new collections of accessories. Built around an icon element, the shirt, the ALISIA ENCO brand comes with an invitation to women – to not accept stereotypes and dull outfits, to not hinder their personality and to dare to express themselves freely through the clothes and accessories they choose. All these, synthesized as a manifesto for creativity in business, reflect the vision of the brand founder, entrepreneur Alice Botnarenco, regarding women's business attire. The ALISIA ENCO accessories merge contrasting elements to create something completely new – feminine and masculine, traditional and avant-garde, familiar and extravagant, all in a...
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13 May

Your best busy day style

How many hours do you spend to choose the right look for your daily work? We know how hard it easy for you to decide which clothes to wear everyday, to look confident and beautiful. We know one thing and we want to share it with you! Try to have few clothing items in your wardrobe, which you can change them every day. Simple pieces, made of quality fabrics and with smooth care for details. The time is very important for you as a career woman and we must use it correctly. Don’t spend it trying to buy too many clothes and not have time to wear them. Choose wisely! We have created for you two business outfits with our...
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1 Dec

When modern meets tradition

These days, more than ever, we come closer to our history, past, culture and traditions. It’s our national day, a time to celebrate our history and think a little more about all that matters to us, Romanians, as a people. We have the tendency to be very connected with our roots and traditions and this is exactly why we think that the bucolic area of our country is its heart and soul. But not all of us can enjoy daily the pace of our villages. So, what can we do about it? There are some tricks we can use in order to take with us, wherever we are, a little piece of the uniqueness of our countryside. There’s nothing that defines...
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