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coffee break Tag

20 Mar

Coffee break with Elena Radu

ALISIA ENCO: Who are you, dear Elena? Hy, my name is Elena Radu and I'm the Operational Director at Medialine Romania, where I coordinate important departments of the company. With solid experience in economics and international business, I manage the integration of local operations with Medialine's broader international network. The company, a global provider of customized IT solutions for medium and large businesses, operates in Germany, Austria, and Romania, serving as a unique digital business hub. My current focus is on optimizing business operations and contributing to Medialine's growth and innovation in the IT sector.   ALISIA ENCO: What inspired you to choose an ALISIA ENCO shirt, and how does it complement your personal style? My choice of an ALISIA ENCO shirt was...
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20 Feb

Coffee break cu Gabriela Carleciuc

De curand, am avut placerea sa o cunoastem personal pe una dintre cele mai fidele doamne ale brandului nostru de camasi. Locuieste in tara celor mai fericiti oameni, Finlanda. Am savurat impreuna faimoasa supa cu somon si am descoperit frumusetea simpla a unei romance care lucreaza la cea mai mare banca de acolo. Suntem bucurosi sa vi-o prezentam pe Gabriela Carleciuc, cea care ne poarta cu mandrie camasile peste hotare. ALISIA ENCO: Te-ai nascut la Braila, apoi te-ai mutat in Bucuresti si acum locuiesti in Helsinki. Cine esti, cu ce te ocupi si ce te-a motivat pe acest drum? Sunt inginera, absolventa de Politehnica, iar acum imi desfasor activitatea in domeniul financiar. Imi plac provocarile si schimbarile, iar motivatia vine din dorinta de a...
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1 Feb

Coffee break cu Mihaela Frunza

camasa alba hora fetelor
Ne bucuram foarte mult atunci cand vedem doamne din mediul de afaceri romanesc care aleg sa poarte produsele noastre ALISIA ENCO. Astazi am stat de vorba cu doamna Mihaela Frunza, medic la Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta din Sibiu si psihoterapeut pentru a ne impartasi din experienta ei de viata si a ne inspira prin tinuta de business. ALISIA ENCO: Visul dvs. din copilarie a fost sa deveniti medic, si ati devenit, dar intre timp viata v-a dus catre un alt nou drum. Cand v-ati dat seama ca va doriti altceva? In urma cu aproape 20 de ani, am avut un obicei la  care vroiam să renunț. Fumam foarte mult și deja aveam simptome care ma deranjau. Am început să caut motivele...
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3 Aug

Coffee break with Mirela Tuvene

Coffee break-ul de astazi il savuram impreuna cu o doamna tare draga noua, mandra purtatoare a camasilor ALISIA ENCO. Cel mai probabil ati gustat inghetata sau produsele de cofetarie artizanale pregatite de mainile dibace ale prietenei cu care impartasim cafeaua astazi. Daca nu ati reusit inca, va incurajam sa o faceti caci papilele gustative va vor fi foarte recunoscatoare! Asadar, fara sa prelungim prea mult momentul, in atentia dumneavoastra vi-o prezentam pe doamna Mirela Tuvene, fondator GELAFresh. GELAfresh este o cofetarie-gelaterie, cu laborator propriu, care produce inghetata, prajituri, cozonaci, lemon cake si torturi, la standarde de calitate inalta, folosind o tehnologie moderna si ingrediente naturale, de calitate superioara. In retetele lor regasiti ciocolata fina belgiana, frisca naturala, lapte si oua proaspete, unt, fructe, miere, nuca...
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23 Sep

Coffee break with Adina Filculescu

We met for a coffee with Adina Filculescu, enthusiast entrepreneur, floral design lover and owner of en Rose. en Rose is a company whose main domain of activity is floral and event design. Adina's company  master floral arrangements and bouquets from fresh flowers to enhance every event: private events (weddings, christenings, thematic parties) and corporate events (product launching, conference, business networking events). en Rose offer only floral designs – made of good quality fresh flowers imported from Holland – that can be described as immaculately conceived, perfectly scripted, organised down to the finest detail, inspired, heartfelt and always breathtakingly beautiful. Discover her in the following interview. ALISIA ENCO: Adina, what is your story? Like any woman, I’ve always liked flowers and had an attraction to...
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24 Aug

Coffee break with Virginia Ciobanu

These days we met for a coffee with Virginia Ciobanu, the founder of Virginia’s Books language school.  Virginia’s Books offers tailor-made training programs, linguistic competence assessment, workshops and linguistic counselling in support of conversational abilities development. Virginia Ciobanu graduated the Foreign Languages and Literatures Faculty at the University of Bucharest in 1998 and has a 20-year background in teaching and language assessment in private and state educational systems.  Discover her in the following interview. ALISIA ENCO: In every success story, you will find someone who has made a courageous decision. Why Virginia s books and what does it mean for you?  Once upon a time there came up to me a daring dream. And as soon as it entered my heart it...
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4 Nov

Coffee break with Luiza Hudea

We met with Luiza Hudea and we had a lovely conversation about her recipe of success, her favorite business clothing items and many more. Discover Luiza in the following interview. ALISIA ENCO: Luiza, you are a blogger and an entrepreneur with extensive experience in sales. How did you decide the transition from one activity to another? One does not exclude the other. I started writing on the recommendation of those who read my Facebook posts. In that moment, I decided that if there are enough people following me and what I’m posting with interest and excitement, then it’s time to move on to the next level and so I’ve started a blog, which I launched in September 2015. I'm an entrepreneur since I...
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5 Oct

Coffee break with Doina Binig

We met for a coffee with Doina Binig, to refill our batteries in a good company. Doina is a real source of inspiration, as you will read soon. We invite you to discover her, in the following lines. ALISIA ENCO: Tell me a short story about your career. How does a common day at the office looks like to you and how do you manage to get things done, when it comes to your daily responsibilities? I am an Electrical engineer with postgraduate studies in finances and an Executive Master in Business Administration. My career started 23 years ago and for 21 years so far…I have been  a manager. A typical day of my professional life is full of challenges and interaction with...
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