I wanted to see around me a lot of creative women who are not afraid to express their personality through their outfits and thus I chose 5 ladies who wear the ALISIA ENCO brand and who identify themselves with the attributes of the ALISIA ENCO woman, attributes I have presented in a detailed manner in the article ”Who is the ALISIA ENCO woman? It’s me. It’s you” to inspire you to think freely and make even bolder fashion choices!
I invite you to ”discover the ALISIA ENCO woman” in a series of interviews with the 5 ladies who chose to wear the ALISIA ENCO brand, to inspire us through their professional stories and through their creative fashion choices which I will present here weekly!
In the second ”Discover the ALISIA ENCO woman!” interview we will meet Andra Tudor, Senior Expert Sales & Marketing for Deutsche Telekom AG multinational, where she is responsible for shop design and client experience in Europe. Andra, who is a European economist, specialized in sales management and international marketing, chose to continue her career path in Germany two years ago.
Andra Tudor is wearing ALISIA ENCO’s brown shirt with cream collar and cuffs from the Creative Business collection. You can find it here: http://bit.ly/Creative-Brown-Shirt
Andra Tudor is the #authentic woman!
What does a creative outfit mean to you and how do you use creativity to create your business attires?
Andra Tudor: Although business attire sounds pretty masculine and gives the impression of a serious outfit worn by men, for me it’s one of my favorites because it is the basis for something that I can spice up with creativity. And the result is always pleasing for me. I know it’s not easy, and the accessories, be they cufflinks, belts, straps, handkerchiefs, shoes or a bag, must be very high quality, but with a little bit of inspiration I can bring my personal touch and achieve a creative outfit!
What are the elements a brand has to accomplish to appeal to you?
Andra Tudor: When I discover or choose a favorite brand I like a back-story which defines me. I have to identify with it, otherwise the value the products bring to that brand in my life decreases significantly. Then I follow the positioning on the market amongst the competition, its target and branding style – from the quality and design of products and services offered to the client, that is offering personalized solutions, all these things tell me that they are not only interested in selling some products or services, but to create a long-term relationship from which both parties have something to gain.
Tell us the story of an item of clothing from your wardrobe which had a major influence on your life or career!
Andra Tudor: It’s hard to choose just one of the outfits I own, because I have lots of pieces full of personality which made me stand out, but I will choose the dress from brown tulle, like Jackie Kennedy’s, which I got from a neighbor when I was teenager – very classic but with an impeccable cut. No matter the circumstance in which I wear it, I have a sophisticated, elegant, chic, but serious image.
Since your professional experience is both in Romania and Germany, tell us what difference you noted with respect to business attires in the two countries. Is the shirt a must-have in Germany?
Andra Tudor: In the two years since I’ve worked and lived in Germany, business attires did not appeal to me that much. It is not a country in which fashion and physical appearance counts very much but it depends on each of us to choose the approach which fits us from this point of view. As far as I’ve noticed, business women here prefer suits and blouses and I can’t say that the white shirt is a must-have for them.
Why did you choose to wear the ALISIA ENCO brand?
Andra Tudor: As I mentioned above, the story behind the brand is very important and ALISIA ENCO appealed to me just through that. It’s a brand with a nice story behind it, which successfully manages to merge elegance, quality and a strong cut in business, focusing at the same time on creativity and uniqueness, things I wholeheartedly identify with.
What does the type of shirt you chose express?
Andra Tudor: The shirt I chose is one of the most versatile pieces in my wardrobe, which successfully merges a sober, British style with feminine elements. This balance between masculine and feminine, sober and genial, is one of the pillars of the ALISIA ENCO brands is one of the reasons for which I chose to include it in my wardrobe.
How can clothes help you in your profession?
Andra Tudor: You may be familiar with the concept that we transmit non-verbally a lot more things than verbally. During a discussion, presentation, meeting, or just at the office, it is extremely important to convey trust, professionalism and a positive attitude. This is also valid for the outfits we choose so that our personality and determination are valued. Of course our clothes won’t do the job for us, but they have an important role and sometimes can decisively influence a contract.
This was the third „Discover the ALISIA ENCO!” interview, a series of interviews through which I set out to bring you closer to the ALISIA ENCO creative universe, to present women in whom I found the qualities and values on which I built this brand and inspire you to make bold choices, in business or in fashion.
Follow us to know the other ALISIA ENCO women and dare to be creative every day!
Alice Botnarenco
ALISIA ENCO - is the trade mark of S.C. Eurom Nkpt Marketing S.R.L, legal person with head offices in Ploiesti, Grivitei Str. no. 2, bl. H, and sc. A, 1st floor, flat 2, District Prahova, Trade Register no. J29/1342/2012, Unique Identification Code RO30619000, established according to the Romanian law.
CONTENT has the following definition:
Electronic Trade Service done exclusively on the site's public available sections, giving the customer the opportunity to conclude contracts for products using electronic means, including also other means of distance communication.
Individual or legal person organised under private or public law which has or obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication (electronic, telephonic, etc.) or on the basis of a pool agreement between ALISIA ENCO and the former.
The action to exhibit for commercial purposes, exclusively by electronical means and only via the site, of a finite number of products having a limited and predefined stock, for a limited period of time established by ALISIA ENCO.
The set of an e-mail address and a password which allows the access to one customer to restricted areas of the site through which the access to the service is done.
The person which has or obtains access to the content and service provided an account has been created.
These Terms and Conditions
Any product or service, including the documents and services mentioned in the Order, which will be delivered by the Seller to the Buyer following the concluded Contract.
According to the definition mentioned in the Emergency Government Ordinance. 34 of June 4th 2014 on consumers' rights in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for altering and completing some legal acts art. 2 paragraph 7: any contact concluded by a professional and a consumer in the frame of an organised distance sales or provision of services system, without the simultaneous physical presence of the professional and the consumer, with the exclusive use of one or several means of distance communication, until and including the moment in which the contract is concluded;
The periodic means of information, exclusively electronic, on the products, services and / or promotions made by ALISIA ENCO in a certain period, with no commitment of ALISIA ENCO as far as the provided information are concerned.
Receipt or reimbursement of an amount resulted from the sale of a product / service by ALISIA ENCO to the customer, using the services of the card processor agreed by ALISIA ENCO or by bank transfer, regardless of the delivery method.
The whole content of this website (including, but not limited to): texts, graphics, visuals, products, codes, ideas, photos, videos, sounds are the property of S.C. Eurom Nkpt Marketing S.r.l (hereinafter the company) - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, with the following identification data: RO30619000, Trade Register no. J29/1342/2012, Grivitei Str. no. 2, bl. H, sc. A,1st floor, flat 2, District Prahova. The company doesn't guarantee that the website and its content don't contain errors or that the entire content is 100% accurate and valid. The customers of the company have the right to copy and print the content of the website or portions of it for the sole purpose of ordering within our company.
The transfer of content from this website for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.
Where some complaints/ issues/ suggestions related to copyrights are concerned, please write an email at contact@alisiaenco.ro, with the title COPYRIGHT, terms and conditions, you will receive an answer in maximum 24 hours of receiving the email (working days).
The document sets the terms and conditions of use for the Site / Content / Service by the Customer, in case he doesn't have another valid pool agreement, concluded with ALISIA ENCO.
The use including but not limited to the accessing, visiting and visualising of the Content/ Service implies the customer's agreement to these terms and conditions; the Customer undertakes the permanent monitoring of the terms and conditions that can be updated, modified and completed. Where some misunderstandings intervene the Terms and conditions valid at the time of order and written notification herein to ALISIA ENCO apply.
The Access to the Service is done by accessing the available public site www.alisiaenco.com /www.alisiaenco.ro.
By using the Site/ Content / Service, the User or the Customer is the sole responsible for all activities that arise from its use. He also is responsible for any material, intellectual or electronical or any other damages caused to the Site, Content, and Service of ALISIA ENCO or to any other third party with whom ALISIA ENCO had concluded contracts, according to the Romanian legislation in force.
In case the Customer / User doesn’t agree and / or accept and / or revoke his given consent for the Document he will send an e-mail at the address contact@alisiaenco.ro mentioning that:
- he gives up: the access to the Service, other services provided by ALISIA ENCO through the Site, receipt of the newsletters/ alerts and/or communications from ALISIA ENCO of any nature (electronic, by phone, etc.)
- can reconsider at any time his decision to not agree with and/or not to accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that moment.
In order to exercise his right above mentioned, he may contact ALISIA ENCO or use the links from the content provided by ALISIA ENCO intended for that purpose.
Where the customer has paid the value of all contracts due to ALISIA ENCO and he revokes his given consent in favour of the Document during the performance of an Order, ALISIA ENCO will cancel his Order with no subsequent obligation of any party toward the other or without any party to have the right to claim damages.
The Content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylised representations, commercial symbols, still images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on Site, is the exclusive property of ALISIA ENCO, to whom all rights obtained to this extend directly or indirectly are served (through licences of use and / or publication). The Customer / User is not permitted to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, connect to, expose, include any content in any other background except the original intended by ALISIA ENCO, include any content outside the ALISIA ENCO site, remove the signs that signify the copyright of ALISIA ENCO on the content as well as participation to the transfer, sale, distribution of some materials achieved by reproducing, modifying or posting the content, except with the express consent of ALISIA ENCO.
Any content to which the Customer / User has and / or obtains access through any means, falls within the area of the Document, where the content is not accompanied by a specific and valid pool agreement concluded between ALISIA ENCO and him, and with no guarantee implicitly or expressly made by ALISIA ENCO referring to that content.
The Customer / User may copy, transfer and /or use content only for personal or non commercial purposes, as long as it doesn't conflict with the provisions of this Document.
Where ALISIA ENCO confers to the Customer / User the right to use under a described form in a distinct pool agreement a certain content to which the Customer / User has or has obtained access following this agreement, this right extends only on that or those contents defined in the agreement, only for the period of its existence or of those contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to defined conditions, where they exist and don't represent a contractual undertaking from ALISIA ENCO for the respective Customer / User or any other third party that has / obtains access to this transferred content, through any means and that might be damaged in any way due to this content, during or after the expiration of the pool agreement.
No content transmitted to the Customer / User by any means of communication (electronic, by phone, etc.) or acquired by him through accessing, visit and / or visualisation does not constitute a contractual obligation from ALISIA ENCO and / or the employee or collaborator of ALISIA ENCO who interceded the transfer of content, in case it exists, toward the respective content.
Any use of the Content for other purposes except those permitted expressly by this Document or the pool agreement which accompanies it, where it exists, is forbidden.
ALISIA ENCO publishes on site the identification and contact data, updated in order to inform the Customers / Users.
By using the contact form, the Customer / User allows ALISIA ENCO to contact him through any available means, including also the electronic means, respectively the electronic mail (e-mail, SMS).
The partial or total filling of the contact form and its sending don't represent in any way a commitment from ALISIA ENCO to contact the Customer / User.
Entering the site, using the presented information in its frame, visiting pages or sending e-mails or notifications addressed to ALISIA ENCO are done electronically, by phone or by any other available means of communication for the Customer / User. Hence, ALISIA ENCO will consider that the Customer / User consents to notification receipt from ALISIA ENCO by an electronic and /or phone means, including also e-mail communications, SMS or through site announcements.
ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to not reply to requests of any nature which aren't related to the products / services present on the site or with a contract concluded with a Customer, received through any means of communication (electronic, by phone, etc.).
Where there are questions or suggestions related to ALISIA ENCO please contact us at the phone number +40 764 594 439 from Monday till Friday, program 09-18, 00 or through e-mail at contact@alisiaenco.ro.
When the Customer/ User create an Account on the Site, accepting the Document (Terms and Conditions), he has the right to express or not his consent related to receiving newsletters and/ or alerts from ALISIA ENCO.
The data taken from the Customer /User for the purposes of dispatching newsletters and /or alerts can and will be used by ALISIA ENCO within the limits of the Confidentiality Policy.
Unsubscribing from newsletters and / or alerts by the Customer / User can be done at any time:
- using the specially designed connection from any received newsletters and / or alerts (at the bottom of the e-mail in the section „Click here to unsubscribe”
- by modifying his consent to receive newsletters and/or alerts and by using pages from the restricted areas, within the individual Account of the Customer/User on www.alisiaenco.com
By contacting ALISIA ENCO at the above mentioned contact data, according with to contacting information and with no further obligation of any party towards the other party or without that any party can claim damages from the other party.
Unsubscribing from receiving newsletters and - or alerts doesn’t imply unsubscribing from the given consent and applies only subsequently the transmission of the unsubscribing intent.
ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to select the persons whom it will send newsletters and/ or alerts as well as the right to eliminate from its database any Customer / User which has previously expressed his consent to receive newsletters and/or alerts with no prior commitment from ALISIA ENCO or any prior notification.
ALISIA ENCO will not include in newsletters and/or alerts transmitted to the Customer / User no other such publicity material as a content referring to any third party which is not a commercial partner of ALISIA ENCO at the moment of dispatching the newsletters and /or alerts.
ALISIA ENCO collects personal data and special data (Personal Digital Code CNP), on its web pages, only with the Customer / User voluntary consent, for the following purposes:
By creating the account, each Customer / User has expressed his consent that ALISIA ENCO collects and manages his personal data, under the conditions and within the limits of Law 677/2001 provisions.
Any Customer / User has the right to obtain from ALISIA ENCO, by written request, signed and dated, sent at the address contact@alisiaenco.ro, free of charge:
a) confirmation that the data relating to him are processed or not by the Company
b) rectification, updating, blocking or erasing - where appropriate - the data whose processing is not complying with the law, especially of incomplete or inaccurate data;
c) transforming in anonymous data - where appropriate - of the data whose processing is not complying with the law;
d) notification to third parties whose data have been disclosed of any performed operation made done accordingly to let. b) or c), if this notification doesn't prove to be impossible or doesn't imply a disproportionate effort in comparison with the legitimate interest that might be impaired.
By virtue of voluntary registration on the site ALISIA ENCO or accessing (ordering) the products / services ALISIA ENCO, the Customer / User agrees (gives its consent for) to the personal data processing by ALISIA ENCO in its own computer system, both manually and automatically. If the Customer / User don’t agree with his personal data processed by ALISIA ENCO, he has the right not to use the website and not to provide personal data to ALISIA ENCO Company.
Any Customer / User has the right to object at any time, for duly justified and legitimate reasons related to his specific situation, by transmitting to ALISIA ENCO of a written request, dated and signed that the data that concerns him to be processed, unless there are legislative provisions to the contrary. The processing may no longer involve the data who are subject to the justified objection.
Any Customer / User has the right to object at any time, free of charge and providing no justification by transmitting a written request, dated and signed to ALISIA ENCO, that the data concerning him to be processed for direct marketing purposes, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or to be disclosed to third parties for such purposes.
ALISIA ENCO may involuntary collect other data (IP address, visit hour, place of accessing, Internet browser's name and version, operating system, including other parameters) provided by the Internet browser through which the access to the site is done and can be used by ALISIA ENCO in order to improve the services provided to his Customers / Users or for statistic purposes; except the case in which document's provisions are breached, in the event in which the result of Customer's / User's actions is contrary to the interests or causes damages of any nature to ALISIA ENCO and / or potential third parties with whom ALISIA ENCO concluded partnership contract at that time. Also, ALISIA ENCO uses surveys which are sent through e-mail or provided on the site, in order to collect demographic data concerning the Customer / User, the profile and other data related to the customers' preferences and behaviour. Such data are used in order to study the consumers' preferences and in order to make the statistic analysis used for purposes of adapting the offer to ALISIA ENCO customers’ expectations. The Customer/ User may always offer voluntarily such data and may dispense at any time his participation within the survey without providing the data and with no negative impact on him in case the right to dispense is used.
Using the available forms on the site, the Customer & User has the right to modify the data that he has initially declared in order to reflect any performed change, if any.
Where the Customer / User chooses to pay online the orders, contract and / or contracts' equivalent, to authorize and remit for clearing of the card accepting transactions which are performed exclusively through EuroPayment Services SRL company. (EuPlatesc.ro).
EuroPayment Services SRL. (EuPlatesc.ro) functions as a data processing and connecting centre between the card issuers, card accepting traders and customers using cards.
All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under the logos VISA and MasterCard are accepted provided that the issuing banks to have activated them for the online payment.
ALISIA ENCO doesn't ask and stock no type of information referring to the bank card or cards of the Customer& User, these being directly processed on the servers belonging to the provider of online payment services.
ALISIA ENCO Confidentiality Policy refers only to the data voluntarily provided by the Customer / User exclusively on site. ALISIA ENCO isn't responsible for the confidentiality policy carried out by any other third party which can be reached through links, irrespective of their nature, outside the site.
ALISIA ENCO undertakes that the collected data of the Customer / User will be used only accordingly with the declared purposes and will not be published, sold, rent, licence, transfer, etc. the database containing information referring to personal or special data of the Customer to any third party uninvolved in the fulfilment of the declared purposes.
The only exception will be in the case in which the transfer/ accessing / visualisation/ etc. is required by the competent bodies in the cases falling within Regulations in force at the date of the event occurring.
The agreed processor/s of banking cards by ALISIA ENCO has (have) the right to access/ visualise any type of data / documents, generated by an issued order, cancelled order, contract, cancelled contract or any other met contract, in order to investigate any Transaction, if any.
ALISIA ENCO guarantees that the personal data of a User, collected through the contact form, will be only used until the addressing the problem communicated by the User, after which they will become data with exclusively statistic purposes.
ALISIA ENCO will not be responsible for the deficiencies that can endanger the server' security on which the database containing these personal data is hosted.
The access to the service is allowed to any Customer/User which has or creates an Account on site or downloads the iOS or Android mobile application.
In order to allow access to the service, the Customer / User will have to accept the Document's provisions.
ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to limit the access of the Customer / User to the Service and marketing campaigns (to not include him in the campaign of promotion and tying, to allow him to order only with advance payment, etc.) if it considers that based on the Customer / User's behaviour (placing and refusal of more than two orders in the system of delivery payment, placing order that subsequently are cancelled or modified, the use of a tendentious language, copyright infringement etc.), the access and existence of the Customer / User's Account could damage in any way ALISIA ENCO. This right can be exercised in any moment and it is not necessary to notify the Customer/ User in this respect.
Each Customer / User can have one Account. It is forbidden to share an Account between several Customers/ Users.
If shares accesses by several Customers/ Users are discovered, ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to cancel or to suspend the access of the Customer / User to the Content or Service. If there are orders placed from the suspended or cancelled accounts, these will be cancelled.
ALISIA ENCO may publish on the site information about products, services and/or promotions practiced by it in a certain period and limited to the available stock on hand.
Products and/or services purchased through the service are intended solely for the personal use of the Customer/User.
ALISIA ENCO may limit the ability to acquire products or services available on site, at a given moment, to one or more Customers/Users, for well-founded grounds.
All charges for products or services on the site are expressed in lei (RON) and euro (EUR) and include VAT.
Invoicing purchased products is made exclusively in RON using the information provided by the customer/user in the intended form. ALISIA ENCO is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Customer/User for the invoice. Invoices are issued as follows: for payments made prior to receiving the products and services the invoice is issued in advance, while for payments made upon receiving the products, the final invoice is issued. For corrections (cancellations, returns) return invoices are issued. All the invoices are automatically issued and registered and included in the fiscal reports. Corrections or changes to the issued invoices are not accepted, unless within the stipulated limits.
The payment for the products and/or services purchased by means of the service can be done online, with a credit/debit card, by bank transfer/payment order, as well as upon delivery by the carrier, only in cash.
In case of online payments via card, ALISIA ENCO cannot be held responsible for any additional cost incurred to the customer, including, but not limited to currency conversion commissions applied by the bank that issued the card, in case the issuing currency is different than RON. The responsibility for this action is born solely by the customer.
The information in the events of sale used to describe the products, features and weight available on site (stills/dynamic/multimedia presentations/links to other sites, etc.) is not a contractual obligation from ALISIA ENCO, being used solely for presentation purposes. ALISIA ENCO may withdraw a product offer or it may modify it at any time up to placing the order, without damages or other penalties due to any potential customer.
In the images for the products and/or services ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to use other products (accessories/etc) that may not be included in the cost for the respective products and implicitly will not be delivered upon purchasing the products. In this case, it is clearly mentioned within the product description what good is on sale and it will also be marked in the image.
In the very unlikely case when ALISIA ENCO will not be able to honor some of the products, it will notify by email the Customer/User, offering them the alternative to:
- cancel the order or remove from the order the product that cannot be delivered anymore.
The Customer/User may place orders for the products commercialized at a certain time, exclusively on the site, as the offers are time limited (after the indicated period offers cannot be placed anymore and the offers are no longer visible on www.alisiaenco.com). The price displayed on the site at the time of the order will not be changed, as it is firm. For an offer that has expired, order may not be placed.
By finalizing the order the Customer/User agrees that all the supplied information, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true on the date when the order is placed, hereinafter also called the issued order.
The moment of concluding the remote contract is represented by the moment when the Customer/User places the order. Even so, ALISIA ENCO has the right to contact the Customer/User, by any means available/agreed upon by ALISIA ENCO (by phone or by email), for the personal confirmation of the order. In this situation, if the order is not confirmed within at least 3 (three) working days, it is cancelled. The Customers/Users acknowledge ALISIA ENCO cannot be forced to deliver an order that was not confirmed under the above conditions.
ALISIA ENCO will unilaterally withdraw and automatically cancel the order placed by the Customer/User, even without a prior notice to the Customer/User, without any further obligation of any of the parties towards each other or without the other party to request damages to the other party, in the following cases:
In the case when the Customer/User cancels an order with payment made in advance, by confirmed bank transfer or by means of the online payment solution and when the bank that issued the Customer/User’s bank authorized the bank transaction, the amount will be reimbursed by ALISIA ENCO within a maximum of 14 days from the day when ALISIA ENCO was made aware of this case.
If some of the products ordered by the Customer/User by means of an order done with advance payment (by confirmed bank transfer or by means of the online payment solution) are no longer in stock due to reasons beyond ALISIA ENCO’s control, ALISIA ENCO will inform the customer regarding this fact as soon as it becomes aware of the unavailability and will dispose the reimbursement of the amounts paid in advance within a maximum of 14 days from notifying the customer.
A placed order may only be modified under the following conditions and only upon request from the Customer/User:
a. The Customer/User discards one product notifies ALISIA ENCO before the order is shipped
b. Increasing the quantity of a product that already exists in an order
c. Delaying the delivery with by a maximum of two weeks over the maximum delivery limit
d. Modifying the delivery address
e. Cumulating the orders with close delivery periods (maximum one day difference)
f. Modifying the payment method
g. Modifying the information for the invoicing
If the Customer/User wishes to make a change, they will request this in writing, by sending an email to contact@alisiaenco.ro mentioning clearly the request in case and the order number.
If a Customer/User changes his personal information, by using the forms available on the site, all the orders in process at that moment keep the information defined/accepted by the Customer/User before the moment of the change, and it will be taken into consideration, for the delivery and contact, the new information properly changed.
NOTE: If you have issues related to an order, that do not seem to have been solved via email or by the person who you are talking to, you may contact for a free internal conciliation with Mr. Martin Emil, conciliere@alisiaenco.ro.
The Customer/User may also perform orders by phone. The Customer/User may request the change of the order by phone.
ALISIA ENCO will issue and send to the Customer/User all the necessary documents that certify the purchase of the products/services by the Customer/User according to the legislation in force.
ALISIA ENCO will facilitate the update of the Customer/User regarding the finalizing stages of their order by sending an information email to the address mentioned by them. The issued invoice will contain all the mandatory mentions according to art. 155.
The contract, together with the documents that certify the delivery to the Customer/User of the parcel by the carrier (AWB signed and discounted) on behalf of ALISIA ENCO, becomes an honored Contract.
The contract is signed on a fixed period. It will be considered as being closed when the parties will have executed their mutual obligations within the terms and conditions set by the present Document.
If there are any differences between the list of delivered products (printed on the back of the AWB) and the content of the parcel, the Customer/User has the obligation to notify ALISIA ENCO and the carrier (if this was noticed in his presence) within a maximum of 24 hours from the reception of the parcel, by phone or by email to contact@alisiaenco.ro with the related information (photos, explanations, etc.).
The delivery towards the Customer/User of the products purchased from ALISIA ENCO is done by means of the fast delivery carrier system of Altexpress.
ALISIA ENCO does not charge any fee for delivering the products within the territory of Romania.
The delivery time for an order is communicated upon its placing and it is a period influenced by: the transport of the goods from the ALISIA ENCO supplier, the processing period within the logistical center of the initial supplier and within the ALISIA ENCO warehouse, working days within the month, the number of products in an order and the processing time of each product etc. The total delivery time may be delayed by a product with a longer period, so that the Customer/User acknowledges that by cumulating more products within an order they delay the delivery of the order until the furthest date. As a rule, the products from one order are delivered in one single parcel with a sole AWB (there will be no partial deliveries of products within an order).
The deliveries will normally be done within the period undertook upon the placement of the order (can vary between 7 days and 8 weeks) and the Customer/User may obtain information regarding the status of the delivery at any moment. If the products may be delivered by exceeding the above mentioned deadline, ALISIA ENCO will immediately inform the Customer/User by email providing two options: the Customer/User may either renounce (in writing) to the order/product, or accept the new proposed delivery deadline. If the payment was made prior to the delivery, the paid amounts will either be fully reimbursed according to the law, within a maximum of 14 days from the date of the renouncement.
The warranty of the articles commercialized by ALISIA ENCO is in conformity with the provisions of OUG (Emergency Government Order) nr. 21/1992 regarding the Consumer’s Protection, with the following changes, and law nr. 449/2003, that is 30 calendar days. Please comply with the usage instructions of the products (present on the site, as well as on the product label). In case of a noncompliance of the usage instructions, the warranty right is void. Also, please keep the invoice in order to be able to prove the purchase of the item in question from www.alisiaenco.com.
The Customer/User of ALISIA ENCO may return the products purchased by means of a Contract, in the following situations:
The Customer obliges himself to notify ALISIA ENCO, about their intention to return the purchased products, by any means of written communication (e-mail/fax/etc.) within a maximum of 14 days from receiving the products and/or services.
The Customer/User that has notified ALISIA ENCO, has the responsibility to make sure that the products which they have mentioned will be returned within a maximum of 14 calendar days, otherwise, ALISIA ENCO may consider the request as insubstantial and may refuse the refund.
Before the withdrawal period expires, the consumer informs ALISIA ENCO regarding their decision to withdraw from the contract. In this purpose, the consumer may choose one of the following options:
a) to use the withdrawal form available on this page;
b) to make any other unambiguous statement to express their decision to withdraw from the contract.
The Customer/User of ALISIA ENCO will not be able to return the purchased products and/or will not be able to claim other damages/compensation, under the following situations:
- In case the purchased product was replaced by another product with the other specification or of a different type
- In case the request for return for any of the situations mentioned above has a dispatch date of the intention to return that exceeds the period of 14 calendar days, calculated from the working day following the date of the fulfilled contract.
- According to OUG 34/2014 (art. 16 let. d) ALISIA ENCO reserves the right not to accept the return of products, that, by their nature, cannot be returned or that may degrade of deteriorate quickly. The Customer/User will be informed on the page of each product if it may be returned or not. The product that make-up a kit must be returned as a kit.
ALISIA ENCO does not request from its Customers/Users by any communication means (e-mail/telephone/SMS/ etc.) information regarding confidential data, accounts/bank cards or personal passwords.
The Customer/User takes full responsibility for disclosing to any third party their confidential data.
The Customer/User declines any responsibility, in the situation when a Customer/User may be/is affected under any form by a third party that claims to be/represent the interests of ALISIA ENCO.
The Customer/User will inform ALISIA ENCO about such attempts, using the contact data.
ALISIA ENCO does not promote SPAM. Any Customer/User that explicitly supplied their email address on the site may choose to deactivate their customer/user account related to that email address.
The communications done by ALISIA ENCO by electronic means of remote (e.g. e-mail) contain the full and conforming data of the sender or links to them, at the moment of sending the content.
The following purposes will be considered a fraud attempt of the Site/Content and/or ALISIA ENCO. ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to put into motion the criminal process against the person(s) that tried to or reached that(those) purpose(s):
ALISIA ENCO cannot be held liable in any way against any Customer/User who uses the site or its contents, other than in the limits of the items that constitute the Terms and Conditions.
If a Customer/User believes that the Content sent through any means by ALISIA ENCO violates the copyrights or other rights, it can contact ALISIA ENCO for details, according to the contact details at contact@alisiaenco.ro, so that ALISIA ENCO may take an informed decision.
ALISIA ENCO does not guarantee the Customer/User access to the site or service, in the absence of registration by the latter by going through the registration steps on the website and does not grant the right to download or modify partially and/or totally, to reproduce partially or totally, copy, or exploit any content in any other manner, or to transfer to any third party any content over which has and/or obtained access, under a usage agreement, without the prior written agreement of ALISIA ENCO.
ALISIA ENCO is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites which are accessible through content links, regardless of the nature of these links. for those sites the responsibility, is fully of their owners.
ALISIA ENCO is free of any fault in the case of sites and/or contents sent to the Customer/User by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.) through the sites, e-mail or any employee of ALISIA ENCO, when this use of content may harm or harms in any way the Customer/User and/or any third party involved in this content transfer.
ALISIA ENCO does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees that:
Within the limits of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, managers and/or owners of the site are in no way responsible for relations or consequences resulting from, but not limited to, acquisitions, special offers, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship/connection/transaction/collaboration/etc. that may arise between the customer or customer/user and any of those who make direct or indirect promotion through the site.
Except where not expressly provided otherwise, none of the parties of any contract that is still in progress shall be liable for failure to perform on time and/or properly, totally or partially, any of the obligations incumbent on the contract, if the failure obligation was caused by a force majeure event.
The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the above mentioned event is obliged to inform the other party immediately and completely, the occurrence of the event and take any measures that are available and to limit the consequences of that event.
The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the above mentioned event is exempt from this obligation only if the event prevents it to finalize it.
If within 15 days from the date of the respective event, it does not cease to exist, each party shall be entitled to notify the other party of the rightful closure of this contract without any of them being able to ask for damages from the other.
The party invoking force majeure must prove the impossibility of performing its obligations within 30 days from the date of the event.
Exceptionally (by no fault of ALISIA ENCO) and because of unforeseeable circumstances (such as accident of the carrier or supplier) it is possible that the product delivery cannot be made.
By using/visiting/viewing/etc. of sites and/or of any content sent by ALISIA ENCO to the Customer/User by accessing and/or sent by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), it agrees at least with the "Terms and Conditions".
Any dispute regarding the present Terms and Conditions that might occur between the Customer/User and ALISIA ENCO will be solved amicably.
Any dispute of any kind which might occur between Customer/User and ALISIA ENCO or its partners will be resolved amicably. If this is not be possible, the conflict will be settled by the competent court where ALISIA ENCO is located, according to Romanian laws.
If any of the above is found null and void, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect other clauses.
This document has been written and will be construed in accordance with Romanian legislation.
ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions and any changes to the site/its structure/service and any content without prior notice to Customer/User.
Within the limits of the provisions of the "Terms and Conditions", ALISIA ENCO will not be held responsible for any errors that may appear on the site for any reason, including because of changes, settings, etc., that are not made by the site administrator.
ALISIA ENCO reserves the right to introduce advertising banners of any kind and/or links on any page of the site, observing the legislation in force.